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- How to make an animated GIF in Photoshop 



How to Make an Animated GIF in Photoshop [Tutorial]


Make this a habit: it will make editing your files much easier when it comes time to save your GIF in Photoshop if you can figure out what every element is at a glance. Click the Create Frame Animation button within the timeline. Changing to this layout will adjust the Timeline mode to a frame-by-frame style. Notice how your image is now laid out as a frame in this timeline? These frames are where you can apply your animation edits.

What exactly are frames in this context? Through Timeline Frames keyframes we can apply frame-by-frame edits to our images and create animated effects such as tweening and blinking text via layers. The Timeline window allows you to adjust layers on and off, move elements in individual frames, rotate text, apply filters, and adjust the length of time certain frames persist for.

This gives you the power to edit each frame however you like without impacting the others in your project—this is an essential part of designing a clean animation.

Want to learn some extra bells and whistles for your Photoshop work? Check out our mega-list of Photoshop tutorials! Next, in that same menu, go ahead and select Make Frames From Layers as well.

This will make each separate layer into a frame in your Timeline. This is where the bulk of your work will be done. The more complex your animation, the more frames you are going to require to accomplish great transitions. Be sure to pick web-friendly fonts if using text in your creations! Just a few more bits to go! Now that you have the basic frames all setup, our next step is to determine how long each frame plays for.

This is a very simple process: select the frame you wish to edit, and then click the arrow and select the time from the dropdown that appears. Try selecting 0. You can always edit this later. Do you need your image to repeat more than once? Select the Once option and open the dropdown. Select whichever suits your needs. Photoshop allows you to view it in the program without needing to save it into the file format first. Note that you need to save it a bit differently than you are used to via the ordinary Save command.

Saving a GIF in Photoshop is just that easy. Once you are done exporting, be sure to view it outside of Photoshop as well and perhaps get feedback from other creatives , as sometimes you miss tiny inconsistencies that need to be addressed.

You can also use Photoshop to create animated GIF files from video clips. This will load up a dialog box that asks for the desired video file. The key here is to limit the total number of frames, especially if the video is longer than a couple of seconds.

To limit the frames, you have several options available. You can use the existing dialog to clip a specific section of the video via the Selected Range Only radio button , or select the Limit To Ever Frames option, and select the total number of frames to limit.

This is important to remember, as most video typically uses between 20 to 30 frames per second. Animated GIFs are a powerful form of media that will likely be around for a long time to come—and clients are wild for them. You can use a website builder to create one in minutes. Satisfied with your GIF? Next, choose the type of GIF file you'd like to save it as under the Preset dropdown. If your image employs a lot of solid colors, you may opt for no dither.

According to Adobe , a higher dithering percentage translates to the appearance of more colors and detail -- but it increases the file size. Click Save at the bottom to save the file to your computer. Now you're ready to upload this GIF to use in your marketing! Upload the GIF file into any place online that you'd put an image, and it should play seamlessly. Here's what the final product might look like:.

Pinterest was the first to enable animated GIFs, followed by Twitter. And by the summer of , Facebook had also jumped on the GIF bandwagon.

On any of these social feeds, animated GIFs can be a great way to stand out in a crowded feed. For example, check out how Calm used a GIF of a heart drawing in this quote from Samuel Beckett to add animation to an otherwise text-heavy Instagram post:.

A post shared by Calm calm. Animated GIFs display in email the same way a regular image does. So why not spruce up your email marketing by replacing still images with animated ones?

Not only could this help capture recipients' attention with novelty alone, but it could also have a direct impact on your bottom line. Make use of GIFs by showcasing products, making event announcements, or otherwise enticing readers. Check out the GIF below from The Hustle , which showcases various prizes email subscribers can win by referring the Hustle to friends:.

Finally, consider the power of using GIFs on webpages to draw a viewer's attention to a specific area, or engage a viewer in an otherwise text-heavy post. Now that you've learned how to make a GIF, consider using your newfound knowledge to add animations to your website or portfolio. Editor's Note: This post was originally published in September and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness. Originally published Apr 6, AM, updated April 06 Marketing 9 min read.

Lindsay recommends starting with this free Photoshop Guide. Get the Guide. Open up the Timeline window. In the Timeline window, click "Create Frame Animation. Open the same menu icon on the right, and choose "Make Frames From Layers. At the bottom of the toolbar, select how many times you'd like it to loop. Preview your GIF by pressing the play icon. View this post on Instagram.


Adobe photoshop cc gif free download -


Nowadays, with the advent of digital photography, editing your photos is just about as important as taking them! This is because, through the editing process, you can change mistakes and correct imperfections and even alter certain aspects of your photo to give it a unique and more professional look! In other words, with the right editing tools and skills, you will have complete control over how your photos turn out!

But how do you edit your photos? When it comes to image editing software suites, the most famous and widely used one is definitely Adobe Photoshop!

It is being used by millions of photographers and artists all over the world, as well as hobbyists! Its latest version has just been released! It seems like the people over at Adobe, have outdone themselves this time! They have taken all the elements that made the previous versions of their multiple award-winning image editing software suites, Photoshop, to the next level! Photoshop CC has more tools than its predecessors and its user interface is much more intuitive and user-friendly!

You will be able to convert your black and white photos to colored ones with just a click of your mouse, while thanks to its state of the art raw image processing algorithms, you will be able to edit and alter your photo, without damaging the original photo! Of course, no Photoshop review would be complete without mentioning its new smart features! Photoshop CC will automatically take care of many of the most delicate and time-consuming editing processes for you!

Complex selections, for example, will now be handled automatically: just select the general area and the software will take care of the details for you! All these and many more features, make Photoshop CC ideal for both professionals and amateurs alike! If you want to get it really cheap though, your best bet would be to buy it online! If you want to get Adobe Photoshop CC for free, you can get the full version installer from our website.

The Photoshop CC release An Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services. There are some various versions of the pen tool which is provided by the Adobe Photoshop CC The pen tool provided has the capability of making an accurate flow of lines which could be easily be changed by the help of the anchor points.

It also provides the feature of making the freehand lines and drawings, this can be achieved by the help of the freeform tool. It also provides you with a tool named the magnetic pen tool which can help you to merge the path created very close to the outline of the object of an image.

This feature could be very helpful for separating them from any particular background. There is also a Clone Stamp Tool provided in this software. This tool helps you to create an exact same part of an image to another part of the same image which could be achieved in the form of a brush. It gives you the authority to decide whether the creation of the new image is to be made in full or in a part depending on the mode.

It even helps the user to make an exact copy part of one layer to another layer. The Clone Stamp Tool could be a very beneficial tool for copying objects or even deleting any error or mistake in the image. The photoshop provides you with a tool named Shape Tools which consists of an array of many shapes like lines, rectangles, polygons, ellipse, etc. You are even allowed to make vector graphics with the help of direct tools like pen tool, direct selection tool, etc.

Adobe Photoshop also provides with the cropping tool which can be utilized when an individual wants to crop a specific required amount of area of a displaying image and can discard the portions which are outside the selected area. It is located in the toolbar in the upper right side of your screen. To crop the image, the user just have to place the cursor over the screen and drag the cursor over the required area he wants to crop and as the enter key is pressed, the area outside of the selected area will be discarded and the selected area will be cropped and the part will be discarded will help to reduce the file size.

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